Bachelor of Science in Information Technology from University of Glasgow
Master of Science in Information Systems (MSIS) from Delft University of Technology
Web Developer at Uber 2015 - 2018
Chairman of the Membership Committee, IOV, Delhi and a prominent member of many other Committees of IOV and IOVRVF. He is a highly accomplished professional with over 30 years of work experience in engineering, financial consulting and valuation. Mr. Tanuj is an Insolvency Resolution Professional of IBBI under IBC -2016 and a Registered Valuer with IBBI, Asset Class “Land& Building” under C(RVV) Rules -2017. In addition, he is a Panel Valuer for many Banks and an Official Liquidator at the High Court of Delhi.
He has provided valuation services to banks, corporates, and government organisations. His contribution towards the field of valuation is not only work-related, but he also contributes towards academics equally by creating the syllabus for the valuation courses.
Bureau of Research & Development
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